For me …


MONEY IS not simply a thing but a social process: monetization rather than money as such! It is not only about what money counts and how it compares, but fundamentally about what and who money can be, represent or become!

Therefore I am an

Anthropologist of Money!

For me …


MONEY IS not simply a thing but a social process: monetization rather than money as such! It is not only about what money counts and how it compares, but fundamentally about what and who money can be, represent or become!

Therefore I am an

Anthropologist of Money!

Ethnographer, Economic Anthropologist

Location: Munich, Germany

Welcome! I am Jens M. Zickgraf. is my personal website. Please note that I attend to this domain only once in a while.

Moneyness – i.e. the qualitative dimensions not only of money as such but of whatever relates to money in meaningful, explicit and valuable ways is the core theme which came up during years of ethnographic research in India and which continues to inform my theoretical perspective. Some of my basic ideas can be found here and here (external link).

Moneyness keeps me interested in:

  • historical variations, politics and future potentials of money and finance
  • social aesthetics of money
  • pecuniary identities and monetary cultures
  • payment as “technology”, “infrastructure”, “communication” and “performance”
  • economic and moral spheres of valuation – “value” and “value-add”
  • financial networks, landscapes, ecologies …
  • money in India (and in particular the question what we can learn from India’s rich pecuniary traditions with an eye towards contemporary revolutions in the mainstream fields of economic thought, credit and electronic transaction)
  • financial markets and stock trading

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